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GAMES: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Level: A2-B1) Набор из 66 карточек.

GAMES: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Level: A2-B1) Набор из 66 карточек.

749 руб

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Game components: A poster illustrating an amusement park which is used to help form questions and answers. Questions and Answers is a game designed to stimulate the learning of vocabulary and interrogative forms that make up the base of the English language. A dice with pronouns and interrogative adverbs. A deck of 66 cards illustrating 66 subjects from the poster. К карточкам прилагается игровое поле и кубик. The instructions contain suggestions and useful ideas for a wide range of games and activities that can be carried out in class or at home with friends. Размер кубика: 4,5 см х 4,5 см х 4,5 см. Размер поля: 60 см х 39 см. Размер коробки: 21,5 см х 14,5см х 3,5 см.
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