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GAMES: PICTURE BINGO (Level: A1) Набор из 136 карточек.

GAMES: PICTURE BINGO (Level: A1) Набор из 136 карточек.

749 руб

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With Picture Bingo learning is fun! The specially chosen words are taken from 10 frequently used topics: Shapes. Play Bingo and learn 100 essential words in English. Picture Bingo contains 100 playing cards with a full-colour illustration on one side the corresponding word on the other, plus 36 bingo cards each containing six illustrations and the matching words. Colours, Animals, Clothes, Inside the house, Food, Means of transport, Nature and Weather, Free time, School. В наборе: 100 карточек со словами и изображениями, 36 лото, руководство. Picture Bingo can be used in the language classroom or at home with family and friends. Размер лото: 16 см х 11 см. Размер карточки со словами: 6,3 см х 8,8 см. Размер коробки: 21,5 см х 14,5 см х 4 см.
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