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Titanic: Build Your Own Titanic.

Titanic: Build Your Own Titanic.

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However, if you are a Titanic enthusiast and you enjoy making things with your hands, then there is a far less troublesome alternative that will allow you to explore the ship in detail: a 1:200 cardboard model measuring ca. Calling all Titanic buffs, hobbyists, and ship lovers: you’re invited to build a cardboard model of the formidable and notorious vessel! Vast sums of money have been spent and enormous efforts have been made in order to explore the wreck, now lying 12,000 feet under the sea. Marking the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s fated maiden voyage in 1912, TASCHEN’s Build Your Own Titanic is the perfect way to commemorate. 135 cm/53 inches (don’t worry, it has precut components and comes with detailed instructions).
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